The exhibition Platsspecifikt Lokstallet, is site specific sounding art where three composers – Rosali Grankull (working visually with Hanna Norrna), Alessandro Perini and I – are exhibiting at the art gallary Lokstallet in Strömstad, Sweden. From different angles we conquer the open space of the art gallery with three sounding pieces.
My contribution is a sculptural graphic score in metals that also function as speakers for a site specific sounding 8 channel piece. At one point of the exhibition period I will gather some of my favorite string musicians to play the score with me.
The opening date, first set to May 2 in 2020, is postponed a year and will take place in May 2, 2021.
Very much looking forward to exhibit with these lovely artists and I can´t wait to be part of the upcoming year when we actually are getting started with building this exhibition on mutual ground.
Read more about the other composers:
Rosali Grankull
Alessandro Perini