September 2nd, 2017 § § permalink
This Friday we had a great day and opening of the art exhibition 3B´s Adventures at Hammarkullens Konsthall, Göteborg. Many thanks to all the kids that worked very hard for this exhibition and thanks a lot to Sarah Schmidt for pulling off this fabulous project! Go to Hammarkullen before Nov 10, that is the last day for the exhibition.
About the art project 3Bs Adventures.
Here are some pictures from the opening:

July 4th, 2017 § Comments Off on Sound for works at GIBCA § permalink
I am happy to make the sound for two great projects at the moment – Next to you at Korsvägen by Marika Hedemyr and Konstprojektet, Klass B´s äventyr by Sarah Schmidt.
At the moment we are recording the sound for the application Next to you, at Korsvägen (Marika Hedemyr) that will be presented at Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art (GIBCA) in September 2017, as part of GIBCA Extended.
We are also preparing the making of the film Konstprojektet, Klass 3 B´s äventyr (Sarah Schmidt). In August, we will shoot the film in a tram heading for Hammarkullen in Göteborg. The film will be exhibited at Hammarkullen Konsthall at Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art (GIBCA) in September 2017.
Lets hope for a not too windy weather today at the recordings! See you at GIBCA in September!

December 6th, 2014 § § permalink

Dec 6. Read todays article about the application that is to be released in a couple of hours at the courtyard at Stadsmuseet in Göteborg (The Museum of Gothenburg). Enjoy!
To the article!
Bild: Stefan Berg
December 4th, 2014 § § permalink
The story of the whale that got stranded in Gothenburg in 1865 turns into an application this weekend and the video and sound art work Genom glas is included. Do you want to video walk with us? Please meet us at the release Dec 6!
The Malmska valen application for iPhone, is a collection of video walks that walk you through the city physically and leads you through historical reviews as well as fiction. Along the journey several art works are staged by dance, music, film, sound art and text based monologue. The application is a collaboration between the Museum of Natural History of Gothenburg, The Museum of Gothenburg and the 3 curators Petra Johansson, Neta Norrmo and Sarah Schmidt.
Shiny jars of glass filled with guts, brains, eyes and other organs originated from the whale was what caught my eyes the most while looking through the pictorial material made by the 3 curators. A series of documentations from the catacombs of the Museum of Natural History inspired me to create the video and sound art piece Genom glas (Through Glass) that now is incorporated in the application. The sounds are composed independently but inspired by the video material.
Download “Malmska valen” at AppStore, bring you in-ears and have some ginger breads and glögg with me and the curators at the release!
Please make sure to download the free download application at AppStore in advance since it is quite heavy. Search for “Malmska valen” in your browser.
Dec 6, 2 pm
Meeting point: the courtyard of The Museum of Gothenburg
Read more?
Review in the swedish news paper Expressen
June 26th, 2013 § § permalink
Re-opening Skövde Art Museum
June 29, 11 – 16 and Aug 31, Time TBA
Skövde Art Museum
Ester Henning was institutionalized for more than 60 years, and never really accepted as an artist. After her death her embroidery works was donated to the Art Museum of Skövde. At the re-opening of the museum, June 29, s sound art piece by Helena Persson and a video installation by Petra Johansson and Neta Norrmo will be added to her exhibited works.
Most welcome to the opening!
Read more about the opening.

Ester Henning 29 år med konstnärsambitioner. Schitzofren.
Solberga, Säter, Beckomberga, Långbro.
Inlåst och förbjuden; färg, tråd, lera.
Tillstucken tråden. I rörelse. Stygn av sinnestillstånd.
Trasor, lakan, örngott. Hoprafsade band och trådar. Knappar. Nålar.
Gömma undan. Passa på. Förbud.
Fyra hus. Fyra träd. Fyra hörn att gå emellan.
Ett litet rum på vinden. Ett eget rum.
Regnet på taket i detta rum, just i detta rum. Just Säter.
Regnet. Stanna. Stillna. Egen tid. Droppa. Sippra. Forsa.
Klockan går idag som då.
Tiden. Schema. Arbetspass. Utegång.
Sova. Vakna. Nycklar.
Raka linjer. Stärkta lakan. Sträckta lakan.
Promenad runt runt.
Insulinsprutornas glansigt blommiga ansikten.
Sängar, slangar, spännrem.
Munnar. Armbågar. Lukt. Tätt. Trångt.
Fläckigt. Fransigt.
Osnygg. Orolig eller stormig.
Petra Johansson Curator och filmare
Neta Norrmo Curator och filmare
Helena Persson Ljudkonstnär