Genom Glas

Sound and video, 3.15 min

Genom glas – Malmska valen from Helena Persson on Vimeo.

The story of the whale that got stranded in Gothenburg in 1865, was during 2014 released as an application for iPhones called Malmska valen. Genom glas is a sound and video piece included in the application Malmska Valen.

The shiny jars of glass filled with guts, brains, eyes and organs originated from the whale caught my eye the most while looking through the pictorial material made by the curators. A series of documentations from the catacombs of the Museum of Natural History inspired me to create this video and sound art piece Genom glas (Through Glass) that is now incorporated in the application. The sounds are composed independently but inspired by the video material.

The application consist of collection of video walks that walk you through the city physically and leads you through historical reviews as well as fiction. Along the journey several art works are staged by dance, music, film, sound art and text based monologues. The production is a collaboration between the Museum of Natural History of Gothenburg, The Museum of Gothenburg and the three curators Petra Johansson, Neta Norrmo and Sarah Schmidt.

Download Malmska valen at AppStore, bring you in-ears and do the video walk whenever you feel like it!

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