BRODERIER och LJUDBILDER at Skövde Art Museum

June 26th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Re-opening Skövde Art Museum
June 29, 11 – 16 and Aug 31, Time TBA
Skövde Art Museum

Ester Henning was institutionalized for more than 60 years, and never really accepted as an artist. After her death her embroidery works was donated to the Art Museum of Skövde. At the re-opening of the museum, June 29, s sound art piece by Helena Persson and a video installation by Petra Johansson and Neta Norrmo will be added to her exhibited works.  

Most welcome to the opening!

Read more about the opening.






Ester Henning 29 år med konstnärsambitioner. Schitzofren.

Solberga, Säter, Beckomberga, Långbro.


Inlåst och förbjuden; färg, tråd, lera.

Tillstucken tråden. I rörelse. Stygn av sinnestillstånd.

Trasor, lakan, örngott. Hoprafsade band och trådar. Knappar. Nålar.

Gömma undan. Passa på. Förbud.


Fyra hus. Fyra träd. Fyra hörn att gå emellan.

Ett litet rum på vinden. Ett eget rum.

Regnet på taket i detta rum, just i detta rum.  Just Säter.

Regnet. Stanna. Stillna. Egen tid. Droppa. Sippra. Forsa.

Klockan går idag som då.

Tiden. Schema. Arbetspass. Utegång.

Sova. Vakna. Nycklar.

Raka linjer. Stärkta lakan. Sträckta lakan.

Promenad runt runt.

Insulinsprutornas glansigt blommiga ansikten.

Sängar, slangar, spännrem.

Munnar. Armbågar. Lukt.  Tätt. Trångt.

Fläckigt. Fransigt.

Osnygg. Orolig eller stormig.

Petra Johansson 
            Curator och filmare
Neta Norrmo                  Curator och filmare
Helena Persson              Ljudkonstnär


Jan 18-27, The Sounding Room – words from Swedish Radio!

January 19th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Listen to Kulturnytt, Swedish Radio, at the exhibition! Jump to 3.04 min!

Jan 18, Opening Ceremony – The Sounding Room

December 30th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

The Sounding Room is an experimental exhibition made by students from the Composition Program at The Academy of Music and Theatre in Göteborg. The installation Hovering Abode, made by Helena Persson and Eduardo Conceição (Berlin) is one of the pieces that will be presented at this exhibition.

Hovering Abode is an interdisciplinary experiment when it comes to both inspiration and expression. After seeing a drawing painted by the portuguese artist and architect Eduardo Conceição, Helena started developing her thoughts about the mobile life and its pros and cons, into a sounding scenario. The picture became the starting point of a correspondance built on pictures, photos, texts and words between the two of them. From this material a sketch evolved that later became an installation embodied in sound and architecture. Hovering Abode is a sounding sculpture, containing 6 speakers, surrounded by 4 speakers in a room. The sounds in the installation are field recordings.

Welcome to the Opening Cermony, Jan 18, 6 pm!

The Sounding Room
Jan 18, 6 pm, Opening Ceremony
Jan 18-27, Exhibition (Opening Hours: Tue-Sun, 12-5 pm, Wed, 12-7 pm)
Röda Sten, Göteborg, Sweden

Read more about the work between Helena Persson and Eduardo Conceição!

Krísuvík Choir at Kulturnatt Halmstad

September 3rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Sept 8 Krísuvík Choir will be exhibited at the City Library in Halmstad. To read the whole program, click here.

Opening hours 18.30-02.00.

About Krísuvík Choir

Opening Krísuvík Choir

March 6th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Today March 6 at 12 the sound sculptures Krísuvik Choir starts to sing!

While wandering through the enigmatic surface, the wholes of the ground started to speak, telling their stories. As if each and one of them had something important to say, they where telling tails from the passed, the present and for the future.

Krísuvík Choir is a sounding reconstruction of the surface I walked, but at the same time an embodiment of the voices that I met, personified in a new shape, represented by their own unique expression.

Världskulturmuseet in Göteborg

Tuesday 12-17
Wednesday 12-20
Thursday 12-17
Friday 12-14


Salong Grindsgatan

June 17th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Film artist Anna Linder and artist Johanna Gustafsson invited friends and art lovers to “Salong Grindsgatan” – where a sound installation by Helena Persson, a poetry reading by Pär Thörn and songs by Ellekari Larsson Zander were performed, June 16.

The sound installation Soil Soul.