February 21st, 2017 § § permalink
So happy to be part of this performance! Most welcome to Kägelbanan March 15.
Read more about the event on facebook.
J. G. Thirlwell har skrivit ett stycke speciellt för The Great Learning Orchestra. Den 15 mars 2017 dirigerar han orkestern i uruppförandet!
CM von Hausswolff inleder kvällen med ett soloframträdande.
Plats: Kägelbanan, Södra Teatern.
Tid: Dörrar 19.00, konsertstart 20.00.
Entré: 120 kronor + serviceavgift 25 kronor.
Länk till evenemanget på Södra Teaterns webbsida:
Kompositören, artisten och producenten JG Thirlwell kommer ursprungligen från Melbourne, Australien, men bor sedan tidigt 1980-tal i Brooklyn, New York. Han har gett ut över trettio album, ibland under pseudonymer som Foetus, Steroid Maximus, Baby Zizanie, Hydroze Plus, Clint Ruin och Wiseblood. En dramatisk intensitet och suggestiv, filmisk kvalitet kännetecknar Thirlwells musik. Thirlwell har producent och samarbetat med artister som Karen O, Noveller, Excepter, Zola Jesus, Melvins, Swans, Nine Inch Nails, Lydia Lunch, Coil, Nick Cave och många fler.
JG Thirlwell har skrivit musik för ensembler som Kronos Quartet och Bang On A Can, och han tillhör ljudkonstkollektivet “freq_out” tillsammans med CM von Hausswolff.
Han är just färdig med soundtracket till Tony Ourslers senaste filminstallation ”Imponderable” som visas på Museum of Modern Art i New York.
Carl Michael von Hausswolff är född 1956 och bor i Stockholm. Sedan slutet av 1970-talet har CM von Hausswolff använt sig av inspelningsteknik som sitt främsta instrument när han komponerar. Han har uppträtt med sina verk på internationella festivaler i Barcelona, Berlin, Paris och Mexico City och en mängd skivbolag runt om i världen har gett ut hans musik. Bland CM von Hausswolffs många samarbetspartners finns konstnären Leif Elggren, filmskaparen Thomas Nordanstad samt kompositörerna och musikerna Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Mark Fell och
Jim O´Rourke. Den 15 mars 2017 kommer CM von Hausswolff att spela ett elektroakustiskt stycke med improvisatoriska inslag.
The Great Learning Orchestra är ett nätverk av drygt hundra musiker från olika genrer, städer och länder som möts för att utforska musik med lyssnandet i centrum. GLO har sin bas i Stockholm men samarbetar med tonsättare och musiker ifrån hela världen. The Great Learning Orchestra har framfört stycken som ”Vexations” av Erik Satie, ”In C” och ”Tread on the Trail” av Terry Riley och Lou Reeds ”Metal Machine Music” i samarbete med kompositören Ulrich Krieger. Orkestern har arbetat med kompositörer som Gavin Bryars och Arnold Dreyblatt. Hösten 2015 ägnade sig GLO åt en djupdykning i amerikanskan Pauline Oliveros ljudvärld under en serie konserter och workshops på Fylkingen i Stockholm.
Foto på JG Thirlwell: Marylene May.
Foto på CM von Hausswolff: ©2015 Feed/Sobejko; Berlin.
April 2nd, 2016 § § permalink
“Meetings im Ausland” is a project with swedish musicians and composers and german musicians based in Berlin offering the best of both worlds. Laurna Røde invited Ben Lauber to be our dear guest on electronics! During this weekend we are getting ready to do get this show going. The consert – supported by Konstnärsnämnden – takes place on Sunday night and you get more info at:
April 3, 8 pm, at Ausland in Berlin, Germany
Henrik Olsson (SE) – percussion
Axel Dörner (DE) – trumpet
Helena Persson (SE) – electronics / guitars
David Sabel (SE) – electronics / guitars
Ben Lauber (DE) – electronics
Burkhard Beins (DE) – percussion
Katt Hernandez (SE) – violin
Linda Oláh (SE) – voice / electronics
Andrea Neumann (DE) – electronics
Doors open 19:00 Start 20:00
See you there!
May 23rd, 2015 § § permalink
Amazing colours of this poster!
Find me and Anna Melander at the cinema floor playing a new Gradation – Gradation 2.0. Come visit Örebro!
June 13, 5 pm
Bio Roxy
Olaigatan 19, Örebro
Hope to see you there!
May 17th, 2015 § § permalink
On June 13 we pack the ebows, guitars and flutes and cross the country heading for Örebro and a festival arranged by Musikspektra T, an association for electronic and electro acoustic music. By then, a new version of Gradation will be developed – Gradation 2.0 – that we happily share with you in the movie theatre at time-honoured Bio Roxy (100 years in 2013)!
Anna Melander – flutes
Helena Persson, ebows and additional materials on electric and acoustic guitars
June 13, 5 pm
Bio Roxy
Olaigatan 19, Örebro
April 30th, 2015 § § permalink
Tuesdays performance together with flautist Anna Melander became as experimental and improvised as we wished. Here are some pictures from our experience at Viva Las Palmas. A special thanks to our friends Nils Berg, Josef Kallerdahl and Viktor Skokic who invited us to play at their fantastic event, and a warm thanks to Strapelia Asterias for making a beautiful shadow play behind us!
September 30th, 2014 § § permalink
In collaboration with Ragnhei∂ur Sigur∂adóttir Bjarnarson a.k.a Eylíf, we – Laurna Røde – made a fantastic tour around the whole island of Iceland. These are some pictures from one of our performances in Höfn.
August 28th, 2014 § § permalink
Thanks to all of our audience in Höfn, Egilsta∂ir and Reykjavik in Iceland! We are so happy that you all took us with open arms. This trip will be remembered for lots of things. One is the very interesting work in progress with Ragnhei∂ur Sigurðardóttir Bjarnarson that me and David – Laurna Røde – experienced during the whole trip. Another is the presence of potential eruptions of the Bar∂arbunga glacier volcanos. Very inspiring for us as a drone duo. Laurna Røde can´t wait to go back!
August 11th, 2014 § § permalink
Aug 19 – 24, Laurna Røde ICELAND TOUR
with Ragnhei∂ur Sigur∂adóttir Bjarnarson
Laurna Røde – in collaboration with the Icelandic artist Ragnhei∂ur Sigur∂adóttir Bjarnarson are visiting 3 cities around the island to play the performance Gelid Phase. Here´s our schudule!
Aug 19, Höfn, Listasalur Svavars Guðnasonar, 12.15 at noon
Aug 20, Höfn, Listasalur Svavars Guðnasonar, 5 PM
Aug 21, Egilsta∂ir, Slaturhúsið, http://www.slaturhusid.is, 8 PM
Aug 22, Egilsta∂ir, Slaturhúsið, 8 PM
Aug 24, Reykjavík, Dansverkstæðið, http://danceatelier.is/,https://www.facebook.com/dansverkstaedid, 5 PM
November 5th, 2013 § § permalink
Laurna Røde makes an unexpected concert at the event Pluss Pluss, Black Box Teater in Norway. Lots of fantastic stuff going on tonight! On stage 7.30 pm. Hope to see you there!
Laurna Røde
About the event
Link to Black Box Teater
May 13th, 2013 § Comments Off on Shot from Verona Risuona § permalink
May 9 and 11, 2013, sound installation and live performance with David Sabel at Verona Risuona festival, Verona, Italy.
This Saturday, the streets of Verona City were filled with performances, installations and artists. This is a shot from Porta Borsari where you could hear the sounds from steel stringed acoustic guitars played with e-bows along with a soundscape recorded in Verona. Luckily we also had a nice live soundscape from the people, walls and surroundings of the space we played in.
Performers in this clip: David Sabel and Helena Persson.